About Apperceive

We offer training, consulting & development services to a small number of long-term clients whom we are proud to work with.

We work with several small non-profit organizations.

We provide grant & program development service & help with funding strategies.

We also have experience with grant seeking & grant writing, organizational management & financial management tools such as QuickBooks.

We have been building & upgrading Drupal sites since version 4.7, back in 2006. Similarly for WordPress.

We assist organizations with social media content production & management, including video & audio.

We develop software & build web sites & test applications according to your requirements & specifications.

We facilitate Mission, Value, Vision, Goals & Strategic Planning workshops.

We manage web site productions, database migrations, statistical & numerical analyses, software development projects, as well as social media marketing campaigns.

We provide system & database administration, maintenance & performance tuning services.

We work with Artificial Intelligence applications & API's such as ChatGPT, Claude.ai & others.

We do the 'heavy lifting' when it comes to websites, databases & programming.

We provide friendly & knowledgeable technical support.

We are easy to get a hold of & respond quickly.

We assist with board, employee & volunteer development. Onsite on offsite team building.

We help with event & program sponsorship acquisition.

We often finish what others have started, but had not completed & deployed.

About Markus Sandy


I wear several hats. I am a mathematician, software developer, teacher & facilitator. I also have experience with nonprofit administration and funding development. I help companies utilize AI tools in fundraising. I volunteer at several local non-profit organizations in Palacios, Texas.

Apperceive, Inc. was founded in 1999 by Markus Sandy.

"Markus brings an eclectic set of skills to any project." -- Laurie Kurilla, Development Director, Smartstar.

"Using his powers for good." -- Andy Underwood, Artist, Brain Candy, LLC.

Download my resume here.


Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT Plus, Dall-E, OpenAI API, Claude.ai & others. We train grant seekers how to use ChatGPT with funding development.

Drupal & WordPress web site design & construction. Including GoDaddy, Wix.com, Pressflow & BOA/Aegir. Drupal updates & upgrades. Theming & module development. Drush automation. Migration module. eCommerce/Ubercart

Database Management. Including mySQL (ISAM & InnoDB), MongoDB, SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, ODBC/JDBC providers, LDAP. Database design & migration.

Cloud computing. Including VPS's, AWS, S3, EC2, Rackspace/Slicehost, DigitalOcean, Linode & others. LAMP, LEMP, MEAN & more. We work with AWS & Google services.

Data Analysis. Statistical analyses, MatLab, Mathematica, SAS, SPSS, python, R, d3.js, pChart, audio transcriptions, Artificial Intelligence tools, Observable.

Networking Services & Programming. Including TCP/IP, UDP, ISO, discovery, broadcast, VPNs, security.

Automation, SCM & Testing. Including drush, Grunt, Bower, jenkins, capistrano, git, gitHub, svn, cvs, sourcesafe & others. Shell scripting: bash, awk, perl, ruby, more.

Performance Systems, Tools & Best Pactices. Including debian, Cent/OS, GNU/Linux, Apache, Nginx, APC, Varnish/VCL, Squid, Amazon, Google & others.

Grant Seeking. Foundation Directory Online, Grantstation, CauseIQ & others.

Funding Software. Network for Good, Donor Search, Fundly, GiveButter, GoFundMe, Double the Donation, PayPal, CRM's & other management systems.

Museum Systems & Software. CatalogIt, Past Perfect, Masterpiece Manager, Collections Trust, Cuseum, Apple iPad Kiosk Software.

Government Funding & Services. Including SAMS.gov, Grants.gov, Login.gov. Federal, State, County & Regional Planning Commissions & others.

Financial & eCommerce Software. QuickBooks Desktop & QuickBooks Online. Square, PayPal, Stripe & others.

Group & Collaboration Software. Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Groups & others.

Web services. Including Mailchimp, ChatGPT, Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube & others.

Web Technologies. Including HTML5, CSS, XML, XSLT/Xpath, Javascript, jQuery, json, AJAX, Angular.js/MEAN, PHP, Python, Cake/PHP, C/C++, Javascript, ASP.NET/VB.NET/C#, Java programming, responsive UI design, boilerplate, bootstrap, API's, REST, JSON, Node.js, kickstart frameworks, QR codes & lots more!

Devices. Desktops, laptops, smartphones, printers, storage, projectors, kiosks & more. Apple, Windows, Android.

Clients & Partners

We are proud to be working with the following organizations:

  • Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission, Texas
  • The City of Palacios, Texas
  • Palacios Downtown Association
  • Jackson County Emergency Services District #2
  • Friends of Elder Citizens (FOEC)
  • FOEC - Palacios Senior & Transit Centers, Matagorda County
  • FOEC - Bay City Transit Center, Matagorda County
  • FOEC - Edna Senior & Transit Centers, Jackson County
  • Palacios Area Historical Association (PAHA)
  • PAHA - City by the Sea Museum
  • PAHA - La Petite Belle
  • Palacios Community HUB
  • Cape Carancahua Water Supply Corporation
  • New Frontier Gallery, Palacios, Texas
  • Palacios Pirate Festival
  • Palacios Day on the Bay Festival
  • Better Built Teams
  • The Strategic Leader Network
  • New York Cycle Club (NYCC)
  • Palacios Yacht Club

We have had successful projects with the following organizations:

  • United States Navy, China Lake, California
  • United States Navy, Point Mugu, California
  • City of Santa Barbara, California
  • County of Santa Barbara, California
  • County of Ventura, California
  • University of California
  • University of California Extension
  • University of California at Los Angeles
  • University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
  • Outrigger Music Venue, Palacios Texas
  • Lisa Rein/Wide Hive Records
  • Byron Katie/The Work
  • Runes of Gallidon
  • SocialAgeMedia
  • 19Prince.com
  • Domestic Placement Online
  • America Online (AOL)
  • Value Health Sciences
  • Student Success Skills
  • Ironweed Films
  • PhotoTours.com
  • Angiodynamics
  • Pfizer
  • Amgen
  • Delco
  • Unisys
  • SAIC

Hosting & Support Services

Support Services

Basic Support Plan - Monthly

$99.00/month *

Includes 60 minutes of chat/video/email/phone support. Automatic monthly payments.

Basic Support Plan - Yearly


The same features as the monthly plan.

Save $198.00. Non-recurring.>

Hosting Services

Basic Plan - Monthly

$129.00/month *

Includes hosting, automated backups, operating system updates, Drupal & WordPress updates, 60 minutes of chat/video/email/phone support. Automatic monthly payments. * System setup not included.

Basic Plan - Yearly


The same features as the monthly plan.

Save $258.00. Non-recurring. * System setup not included.

Complete e-Commerce Website

$3,999.00 *

Includes one year of our Basic Plan, above, plus a Drupal or WordPress website, PayPal or Square integration, basic store setup, contact form, reporting & inventory system, front page slider or video, contact form, about page, store, inventory, shipping & ordering management, basic theming. * Custom styling & programming, product/inventory loading not included. Hosting provided through DigitalOcean.

Complete Museum Website

$2,999.00 *

Includes one year of our Basic Plan, above, plus a Drupal or WordPress website, PayPal or Square integration, memberships & donations page, contact form, newsletter, front page slider or video, contact form, about page, basic theming. * Custom styling & programming not included. Hosting provided through DigitalOcean.

Our Consulting & Support Rates

We work with a small number of long-term clients, providing analysis, design, implementation, integration, testing, training, site customization & support services, customized to our clients' needs.

One hour initial phone or video meeting: FREE! Call 361-532-9596 to set up an appointment.

Additional ad-hoc consulting:

   For-profit organizations: $180.00/hourly *

   Non-profit organizations: $150.00/hourly *

   * 3 hour minimum. Ask about project & retainer rate discounts. See our subscription packages above for significant discounts.

"When comparing rates, always remember: cost = rate * time."
-- Markus Sandy

Call 361-532-9596 or contact us via our contact form, below, to discuss your project.

Contact Us

Contact us using the form below or just DM @apperceive on X/Twitter Facebook or Github.